
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sweet Baby James

It seemed like an eternity for the little guy to arrive. He is here and I am now a Nonna for the first time. I soon found out that one of the best times of my life would be holding my grandbaby. It was love at first sight. I was able to sit and hold him and look into his eyes and his into mine. I was content to sit in the chair and hold him for three hours straight. Now that is something only a grandma can do.

My Aunt Veronica sent me the sweetest card and it said "Grandchildren make our hearts bigger and our souls deeper." So true!!!


Sweet Baby James
  • 1 Katie Freeman
  • 1 Eric Freeman
  • lots of love
Take 1 Katie Freeman and 1 Eric Freeman, then throw in lots of love. Wait 9 months and Sweet Baby James is born. June 26th at 2:46am and 9 ½ lbs.

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