
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sassy Egg Salad

This is what a perfectly cooked hard boiled egg looks like. Notice that the yolk is yellow and just cooked all the way through. The yolk is moist and the white of the egg is tender. An overcooked egg has a green ring around the dry yolk and the white part is tough. I remember asking my Mom why hard boiled eggs looked like that when I was a kid, she said that is what happens when you hard boil them. Needless to say I did not like hard boiled eggs until I had them cooked the right way. Sorry Mom.

Now on to the Sassy Egg Salad. Yummy! It's nice and spicy but not too hot, just right. It's time to revamp the old traditional Egg salad with some pizzazz. Sometimes I just get tired of eating the same old thing. I'll tell you that this is a satisfying sandwich for lunch. I loved mine on a pretzel roll but any nice roll or bread will do. Make those fat cells and taste buds sing with delight. Enjoy!

Sassy Egg Salad
  • 6 large eggs, hard boiled
  • 1/3 cup mayonnaise 
  • 1/2 tsp yellow mustard
  • 1/4 tsp mustard powder
  • 1/4 tsp paprika
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/8 tsp white pepper
  • 2-3 green onion trimmed and sliced thin, green tops too.
This is how to hard boil the perfect egg. Do not use fresh eggs, they are too hard to peel. Get rid of your older eggs with dignity. Not expired ones!  Place eggs in a large pot big enough for a single layer, then add enough cold water and 1 tsp salt to cover eggs and bring to a boil uncovered. As soon as you see big bubbles start to come up lower it to a simmer at just below boiling. Immediately set your timer for 10 minutes. When the timer goes off take the eggs to your sink and start running cold water over them until cool. Once cooled you may remove them from the cold water bath and chill overnight in the fridge. Or you may speed up the cooling down time by adding some ice to the pot and wait about 30 minutes for them to chill down.

Slightly crackle the eggs shells and gently peel away. I find that it helps to start at the wide end of the egg and peel down while running cold water over egg while peeling. Once all eggs are peeled slice in half. Chop eggs for the salad and you get to choose how chunky you want it. Add eggs to a large bowl and add remaining ingredients, gently mix well with a soft spatula. Chill until ready to eat, but it tastes even better if you chill it overnight for the flavors to meld.

This is a zesty egg salad and it screams for a hearty roll. I had mine on a pretzel roll and it was perfect. Enjoy!

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